Author: Raymond

  • Latest on the album

    I can say that the following are officially complete with the album: Drums, Guitars, and Keyboards. Right now I am focusing on final touches, writing vocals, and recording the vocals. From the last update I deleted 2 songs, rewrote one entirely, and wrote 2 new songs. I’m pretty happy with the way this record is turning out so far. I’m making minor adjustments here and there because I want this album to come out really strong. That’s it for now.

  • New album

    I’ve been spending the last few months really focusing on my new album. With this, I can officially claim that I am done writing the album. The drums are done recording and I will spend the next month or two recording the guitars, vocals, and finishing up the keyboards as some of those are finished. I will also be producing a lyrics video for Phonoi and a video mix of Baphomet, two songs from the upcoming album.

    I have decided to name the new album “e(volve)”. It has two meanings: one being the evolution and creation of mankind. The other meaning, e volve, Galician for returning, or going back. The album tells a story of the creation of the universe and mankind, who ultimately destroy themselves and the world with them. A very talented artist will be doing my artwork 🙂

  • Tutelary Setbacks

    While working on Tutelary I had squashed some bugs, added some mini-games so you’re rewarded for exploring, and started work on the three towers (act 4 of 5). Unfortunately, for some unknown reason the towers were completely lost! Thankfully, all the smashed bugs and mini-games remained. I have no idea how any of this happened since I keep the project in my Dropbox folder.

    Despite this setback the project is going very well. I plan to open up the Kickstarter here very soon. I want to make sure that the core of the game is working for those people who plan to pay for the tier where you can get the game in it’s current state (very alpha build). All the documentation and banking information is setup and ready so I just need to work on the video at this point after the core mechanics function properly.

  • New layout and a new section

    First thing you’ll probably notice is a new layout for the site. The other one was just overwhelming so I wanted to make it simple. The next thing you’ll notice is the “Interesting Articles.” I spend a lot of time reading random articles around the web and I’m afraid that someday they may disappear over time so I decided to create a new section. Besides, I’d like to share them 🙂

    Quick updates:


    Work on Tutelary is still going on and I’m working on a video for the kickstarter. I have also been having a friend test the game out and let me know what to change/fix, since the kickstarter will offer the option of the game in alpha stage. I want to make sure the core mechanics of the game work.


    I have officially started writing the new album. I have one song done and another in progress with several core ideas in my head for future songs. I am going to take my time writing this album and make sure every song is something I can be proud of. I will feature other songs on the album I have already recorded and finished producing, but never included in an album. I will also re-mix and re-master my first (and only) album and attach them to this album as well. Again, I’m very proud of my first album, but a lot of people didn’t really like the recording (which was intentional). I will make sure their sound is more “modern.” I am approaching this album from a much different style, but it’s still very much black metal. If I could compare it to anything I would say imagine Enslaved and Carpathian Forest having a baby.

  • I Shouldn’t be Alive

    I shouldn’t be alive. Everyone was running past me towards a large mansion with Roman pillars that held the large deck on the second floor. The paleness of the structure seemed hidden by the reflections of fires on the streets. I stared at the abandoned cars on the once busy highway; all burning making identifying their brands a difficulty. I took a look at the rifle in my hand and swiftly joined the swarm of soldiers running towards the building. It wasn’t easy, though. I crouched down and leapt from one car to another hoping they would protect me from the onslaught of bullets. Others were less fortunate. While leaping I found myself stepping over bodies attempting to avoid tripping over them. I felt and heard one bullet gaze past my ear. I turned my head to find the guy behind me fall down. He was one of us and appeared dead so I kept moving forward.


  • A Tutelary Update

    I’ve been on vacation lately and worked on Tutelary: The Adventures of Freyr a little more. I’ve made A LOT of progress. A large setback for me was getting the floating city of Meiji working properly. I also added a new skill for Freyr. I’m debating on getting a Kickstarter going. I would like someone to come in and write all the music and have another person remake all the graphics. I’ll think about it the next couple of weeks. If I do get something going then I’d set a goal at $1,000. $800 for the graphics and music, and another $200 on some other licenses that I really need. If it goes any higher than that then I’d set stretch goals, but I have no idea what since I doubt this will even make it to $1,000.

    Regarding music: I haven’t really written anything lately. I was working on two albums of different styles and put a hold on both. I can’t seem to complete any songs and the songs I complete I’m not satisfied with. Perfectionism at its best.