Category: Dreams

  • LLM Use Case: Recipes

    Imagine for a minute you need a recipe for a meal, say baby back ribs. You search the internet for various recipes and find one that claims it’s the best ribs ever. As you dig into the recipe you find one ingredient you don’t have. Now what? If you’re experienced with cooking, you can find an alternative. If you’re ignorant like me, you find another recipe. Then, you find another ingredient you’re missing.

  • Ultimate Guide to Freeware Software

    Look, I get it, we are all sick of subscriptions for software or paying for software that is often mediocre or aggravating. What if I told you that there is free software that is equally as good, and sometimes, better than alternatives? Look no further!

  • I Created a Board Game

    Before the pandemic wreaked havoc on our livelihoods and sanity, I started building a board game after finding some games I became very passionate about. Games like Carcassone, Dominion, King Domino, Smallworld, and Forbidden Island were on my rotation frequently and I wanted to build something that I wanted to play.

  • Best Airlines

    I’ve flown a lot over the years, and I find myself sometimes saying to myself, “I should just pay the extra money and fly this other airline instead.” The problem with always seeking out the cheapest airline ticket is that it’s not always the best value. Just because a ticket is cheap, doesn’t mean you end up spending less by the end either. Below are my rankings for airlines in order, but by no means is exhaustive. Some airlines I haven’t flown, and others aren’t worth mentioning.

  • The Prophet Paradox

    There’s probably a better term for this than the “Prophet Paradox,” but I often wonder if people like Michel de Nostredame (Nostradamus) or Leonardo Da Vinci are really prophets. Even Biblical people like Ezekiel and Abraham come to mind. Did what they say come true? What if they never said anything? Obvious warning: This is not a normal tech post.

  • What the Debt Ceiling Bill (H.R.211) actually says

    Thanks to Google Bard, I prompted the following question for each Title within the H.R.211 Debt Ceiling bill: “Summarize the following section as if I was an elementary school student.” I’m not a lawyer nor am I a genius, so somewhere below that is ideal. It’s also worth reminding people that it’s a Language Learning Model, so its specialty is analyzing language! Here are the results:
