Author: Raymond

  • e(volve) release date announced!

    Expect e(volve) to arrive October 13, 2014! It will be available on iTunes, Amazon Music, Google Music, Spotify, XBox Music, Sony Music, and much more! It will be available to listen to on and only $5 for purchase.


  • The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) Explained

    Before I begin, I will state that the following article is a completely unbiased and is a shortened version of the actual act itself. What people call “Obamacare” is actually the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (abbreviated to PPACA or ACA). However, people started calling it “Obamacare” before all the rules were even applied. It’s a term that was, at first, mostly used by people who didn’t like the PPACA, and it’s become popularized in part because PPACA is a really long and awkward name, even when you turn it into an acronym like that. Barack Obama has since said that he actuallylikes the term “Obamacare” because, he says, “I do care”.


  • Re-imagining Employee of the Month

    It’s common amongst management to recognize employees for their high work ethics. One of these methods is the all-to-familiar “Employee of the Month.” You can see these displayed in some stores or offices along a wall with a picture of the the employee’s face and usually a quote dictating why they’re there. However, there can be more negative side effects than positive side effects of the reward.


  • Open-plan offices are a false economy

    It wouldn’t be too wild an assumption that very few of us enjoy working in an open-plan office. For all the propaganda that they improve communication, boost team spirit and increase efficiency, the fact is that as far as most of their inmates are concerned, open-plan offices are noisy, distracting and stressful –just the wrong sort of environment, in fact, in which to work effectively.


  • Heartbleed security breach and what you should do

    Unlike other exposed security breaches the heartbreak won’t affect many people. There was a hole in SSL signatures that basically allowed hackers to take a peak at data being transmitted. Essentially, SSL is like using keys to get in a door to your home. Heartbreak is like when a robber uses the old credit card trick to open the door and get in. The SSL signature displays as a little lock when you login some sites in the browser bar. This let’s you know the site is secure (and the robber can’t use credit cards).


  • Where is album?

    There are a lot of factors into why I haven’t released the album yet. Some of it is due to procrastination and some of it is a legitimate reason. Here’s a list:

    1. I’ve really struggled writing lyrics. Writer’s block exists for musicians too! Some was too redundant and some I couldn’t think of a theme.
    2. Some songs I wasn’t 100% satisfied with, so I modified/added parts
    3. I re-did drums for a few tracks that needed better transitions between riffs
    4. I’ve been busy with school
    5. My album artist has had difficulty completing the artwork.

    I can’t promise when the album will be released, but it’s much closer today than it was last week! I’m hoping by the end of this month.