
While my site reads Wordpress natively, some of you may have found this blog through search engines or the like. I recommend my native website for viewing, but don’t be afraid to stay here either

My top posts:

The Gone World ExplainedApril 1, 2020Raymond
I hacked ExcelI hacked ExcelOctober 30, 2017Raymond
The Apple ecosystem vs WindowsJuly 10, 2022Raymond
  • I built my own captcha

    Captcha, for the uninitiated with the term, is displayed on many forms when you register for a website, and it can have impossible-to-read text. It’s fairly easy to install and common across the web. Because I’m me, I don’t want to use it. Maybe it’s “sticking it against the man” or maybe it’s naivety, or a mixture of both, I decided to build my own.

  • The Apple ecosystem vs Windows

    It’s strange to use the word “ecosystem” to define a set of different devices using the same operating system. Yet, this is exactly what Apple has accomplished with its MacOs, iOS, and Apple Watch. Windows is only used on personal computers – lovingly called PC – and that’s… it?

  • Are the younger generations financially worse off than older generations?

    In a previous blog post, I wrote about how data can tell any story you want it to but understanding the correct data can tell the truth. I often hear things about inflation, how difficult it is to live now versus our parents, the baby boomer generation, and how rising costs and lower wages are impacting everyone. Is it true?

  • Best Songs Ever

    I already covered the metal albums in a previous post, so I thought I’d cover what I deem are the best songs. Unlike the best metal albums ever, this list will cover many genres. Like the best metal albums list, this will not be in any particular order and many bands from that list will not appear here. If you want to skip all the writing and just listen, then I made a playlist on Youtube. Feel free to shuffle it. I’ll also keep working on this over time, so check back once in a while.
    [Update] The playlist got so long that I separated metal and non-metal. This article will be non-metal, but the playlist is available here.

  • Nier Fundamentally Changed Me

    In a previous article related to music in video games, I brought up Keichi Okabe and the video game director Yoko Taro. I think it’s time to dedicate something to them specifically because Yoko Taro changed my perspective of the world. Obviously, this contains strong spoilers.

  • NFL GamePass is the worst streaming service

    I’m no UI designer by any means. Probably the exact opposite, actually. Despite this, I do recognize ease-of-use with my background in product management and analysis. There are many streaming video services around, and they’re all quite decent, but none of them are as bad as NFL Gamepass. Gamepass is, by far, the biggest pile of shit ever and it’s $99 for a year.
