My article relating to Peer-to-Peer Lending is one of my most popular articles with over 6,000 visits. I think that’s a rather huge accomplishment for a personal website with no desire to publically broadcast. One of the items I talk about later in the article is how to reduce risk while increasing rewards. Using backtracked data that spans billions of dollars, I decided to test out a few algorithms that could potentially maximize my return interest.
After testing these algorithms for over a year, I was astonished at the results. I’ll share these in a moment. I thought to myself, “what if I can share this with the world?” It was a unique challenge for me. I knew that Lending Club offered API, as I discussed in the aforementioned article. What I wanted to know was whether or not it was possible to interact with other people’s accounts and share the same algorithm using that same API. It was. While challenging at times, I believe my efforts were worth it.
Today, I introduce to you Flux Robot. You can see the results at the bottom of the page or in the performance section.
Update: This site has since been closed since Lending Club no longer offers peer-to-peer lending. You can find the page and a working version under my portfolio.